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Tips & Advice for Men

Tips & Advice for Men

Advice and tips for men


Don't limit your water intake! You may be thinking that avoiding fluids will reduce your chances of leakage, however, this will cause dehydration and heighten the risk of getting a bladder infection. 


Coffee/caffeine, alcohol and artificial sweeteners can also trigger the urge to go to the washroom. We don't expect you to give up the simple pleasures in life, but decreasing your caffeine intake could positively impact your life.

Stop smoking

We are already surrounded by billboards about why smoking is bad for your health. But did you know that tobacco can worsen urinary tract symptoms? If you're already struggling with leaks, it's also important to note that the cough associated with smoking doesn't help you against urine leakage.


Did you know that stress can cause you to leak urine or make your symptoms worse? Relaxation techniques such as meditation or breathing exercises can help you better control your bladder.

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